448 Book Road East Pond and Wetland

You can view the Environmental Impact Study (EIS) as well as many other studies pertaining to this development HERE.

This proposal will be heard at the Planning Committee on May 23, 2025 and citizen engagement will be needed at that time with delegations and emails to Committee and Clerk.

The Property is approximately 15 ha in size, and in its current state, contains predominantly agricultural fields with deciduous forests, wetlands, and a pond. It is within the headwaters catchment area of the Welland River West Subwatershed. Surface drainage flows southeast through wetlands and tributaries to form the Welland River downstream which continues to flow southeast to the Central Welland River Subwatershed.

During each of three surveys, a total of nine Midland Painted Turtles, listed as Special Concern under the federal Species at Risk Act (2021), were observed basking on the banks of the pond or on logs or rocks. The pond is designated as a Core Area in the AEGD Secondary Plan Natural Heritage System, and is likely a Significant Wildlife Habitat for over-wintering turtles. However, the EIS disputes this possibility as the pond is man-made, and proposes removal of the pond despite the presence of turtles.

150 of 206 trees are proposed for removal. Some are dead but still have value as they provide habitat and food sources for many species. Most of the trees are along the periphery of the property so could potentially be saved.

The stream on site will be confined to a 5m channel despite Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority’s comments that it be constructed with a meander.

There don’t appear to be any natural heritage linkages planned that would connect the remaining natural heritage on this property to surrounding habitat, essentially rendering it an island.